Monday, February 20, 2017

Surely Spring

Sincerely, Susie ~
6 comments on "Surely Spring"
  1. beautiful! I can almost smell the fragrance.

  2. Sweet and beautiful! I'm feeling a change coming on!

  3. Oh, I am ready for the real spring, the weather here is nice and warm for this time of the year 60-70's, but we are in Indiana and this is not normal. Less than 3 inches of snow this year. the flowers are really popping up around here, but wonder what will happen in March, they will probably freeze. I know you live in a much better area for spring! Hugs Susie!

  4. Hi Susie this is Sandy, mommyeyedr on IG, just touching base to say Hello we miss you on IG!

  5. Oh, Susie, what an exquisite photo of just a wee bit of God's amazing creation. I love it and know that everyone is ready for spring. The day you posted this, I had my eye surgery. I am recovering slowly and hope to be coloring again soon. Sending tender hugs and love...and praying for you (as I know you pray for me). xoxo


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